Self-Care – Sore Throats and Coughs

During this winter period, there are lots of nasty bugs going around which can make you feel under the weather. Please see below some tips on self-care – Sore Throats and Self-Care – Coughs.

Self-Care – Sore Throat

Sore throats are likely to get better within 3 to 7 days (and a maximum of 2 weeks) without the need for treatment by a health professional. Advise to rest, take paracetamol, and drink lots of fluids.

When to see a GP

If you have a persistent high temperature over 38 degrees for more than 3 days that does not come down, even when taking paracetamol or ibuprofen.

  • If you find it hard to breathe in, and their throat feels like its closing up.
  • If you suffer from a sore throat and have a deficient immune system because, for example, they have HIV/AIDS, take high dose steroids, are going through chemotherapy, take anti-rheumatic drugs, or a drug called carbimazole.
  • Your voice becomes muffled.
  • If your sore throat doesn’t get better within 10 to 14 days or is getting worse, may suggest glandular fever.
  • If you find it difficult to drink enough fluids and become dehydrated.

Self-Care – Cough

A cough will usually clear up on its own within 3 to 4 weeks. There is usually no need to see a GP if you have a cough.

You will need to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and try to stay at home to avoid contact with other people, if you have a high temperature, or do not feel well enough to complete normal activities. Please take paracetamol or ibuprofen to treat any pain.

When to see a GP

If you have had a cough for more than 3 weeks (persistent cough). If you are losing weight for no reason, or you have a weakened immune system – for example because of chemotherapy or diabetes.

When to seek an urgent GP appointment or get help from NHS 111

  • Cough is very bad or quickly gets worse – for example, a hacking cough or cannot stop coughing.
  • You feel very unwell.
  • You have chest pain.
  • The side of your neck feels swollen and painful (swollen glands)
  • You find it hard to breathe.
  • You are coughing up blood.

Thank you and take care

Park Lane Surgery